Do you think it’s possible…
...that a scent can drive a woman wild?

Click here try Most Wanted Man right now

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply Most Wanted Man?

All you need is a few spritzes on your neck, your chest, maybe your hair...

Some guys prefer 8-10 spritzes, while other guys only prefer 2-3.

Can I apply it to clothes?

Yes. I actually prefer applying Most Wanted Man to my clothes instead of my skin, but it is all personal preference depending on the guy.

How often do I put it on?

You only need to apply Most Wanted Man once or twice a day.

How long does the scent last? Do I have to reapply?

The scent typically lasts 8-10 hours. You may want to reapply after that, especially if you’ve been working out or doing physical labor.

How do I store Most Wanted Man?

Most Wanted Man should be stored in a cool, dry place -- preferably not in your bathroom. The bathroom gets a lot of moisture and heat from the shower and is never a good place to keep a cologne.

Does Most Wanted Man contain animal products?

All of the ingredients used in Most Wanted Man are "cruelty free" accords that contain much of the same chemistry as the wild naturals, but without hurting animals.

How much will this improve my life?

I think you’ll find that wearing just a few spritzes of this cologne makes women start looking at you in a totally different way…

When you go to the gym and work out, women are watching you, using the equipment close to you, maybe even asking you for pointers…

And when you’re out with your wife or girlfriend, she is holding your hand, pulling you close, showing women that you are “taken”, keep their paws off you, LOL…

Everywhere you go, this super scent will be drawing women in like moths to a flame…

And you will be feeling a confidence you’ve never felt before but always wanted.

Should I keep using this even after I’m thrilled with the results?

Most Wanted Man only works when you’re wearing it…

So the longer you wear it, the better things will be!

And you will love the scent bubble you are in so will want to wear it all the time, bro!

I suggest that if you want to keep having to fend off beautiful women, you keep wearing Most Wanted Man.

Otherwise, you may find yourself back at square one...striking out with the wrong women while the right women pass you by...

Click here try Most Wanted Man right now